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The Official HKRS Fan site briefing

發表於 8-9-2010 10:37:43 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 yikmings 於 8-9-2010 10:44 編輯

我可以提供以下免費服務:1. 網站空間 (我在外國有服務器) 20GB 空間 及 1000GB 流量以上都冇問題
2. Discuz , Phpwind , phpbb 等程式架設及管理 (5年+經驗)
3. 頂級域名一個  xxxxx.com  or  .net  .org


1. 圖片設計(主要做Banner 及 logo)
2. 管理論壇人員 :loveliness:

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發表於 8-9-2010 13:17:33 | 只看該作者
There is a rule that do not advertise other forum
IF this is a HKRS fan site
then why it is in English? (i mean ur briefing)
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發表於 8-9-2010 14:35:20 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 superyyy2002 於 8-9-2010 14:39 編輯
Mind i say sth
i think this site is actually useless..
by looking at the picture u made.. (i think m ...
Clmak814 發表於 8-9-2010 04:28

There is a rule that do not advertise other forum
IF this is a HKRS fan site
then why it is in E ...
Clmak814 發表於 8-9-2010 13:17

1. same idea,不過由 kit 獨力 plan 的好難一開始就做到比現時更好的美工水平吧?

2. 我想問 advertise 邊個 forum?比個網址版主們睇睇?
無網址仲要唔存在的 forum 嗎?

3. 聽講 kit 用 / 打中文唔多叻......
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 樓主| 發表於 8-9-2010 15:39:50 | 只看該作者
各位好,個 post 放左係度幾日之後終於有人去望下 (亦特別多謝 Prince, 佢係第一位比有用留言的) , 不過最開心的係大家的意見都很有見地。
好似 3Y 兄所講,我地人手暫時唔多,所以需要大家的幫手,有志之士請留下你的 rs name。

如果要批評,都比番DD有用的意見,唔好mud野 'economic much?' 就收擋.... 我都要番工,同時都好希望做好個壇,為大家服務,多謝。

To yikmings: Thanks so much, is your rs name TKT123? I should contact you and talk a bit.
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發表於 8-9-2010 16:08:35 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 Prince` 於 8-9-2010 16:10 編輯

its okay and i think about advertising for a bit,
um do you think that it is hard to get all HK people altogether?
and if we make it a Hk forum,
does the identity matters much?
i mean if i am not from HK , cant i join the forum?

undoubtedly its a good idea, and i am not throwing cold water to you,
but the only thing is that there are not much ppl in HK playing this game.
we cant do much to persuade someone who never plays English game to play it.
and one more thing, most ppl in HK playing this game is now in both Nakuz and M forum..
so i think combining is a good idea ( its suggested by Icy? )
its easier to make things together than start a thing from zero.
even though everything is now not yet settle down,
we have seen the difficulties already isnt it?

I will try giving more opinion about this, maybe if you got some idea
you may just tell me here and i will try my best to help : )
its a honor to get invloved in such great thing, feel free to request and peace.
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發表於 8-9-2010 16:17:17 | 只看該作者
Get a domain first
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發表於 8-9-2010 17:13:30 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 Clmak814 於 8-9-2010 17:18 編輯
1. same idea,不過由 kit 獨力 plan 的好難一開始就做到比現時更好的美工水平吧?

2. 我想問 adverti ...
superyyy2002 發表於 8-9-2010 14:35

我裝番個GIF5睇下有咩可以幫手我無心開火 只系想講 kit咁樣做就好似系老師面前講點賣毒品咁樣
不過如果板主同意就冇事啦 剛剛覺得無啦啦開個討論區唔知有咩目的 想出名呀 所以先講咁多野
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發表於 8-9-2010 17:25:16 | 只看該作者
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發表於 8-9-2010 18:02:22 | 只看該作者
送上剛整嫁Banner 一個, 本人美工好差唔好笑 =.="
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發表於 8-9-2010 23:39:03 | 只看該作者
工程浩大, items , monsters 都有排執
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